Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Dream Wedding Giveaway: Doug & Christine

Christine and I met online at Her bio looked very interesting so I contacted her and she accepted a dinner invitation on Labor Day 2011.  I did not know it at the time but we had met about a year earlier when I took my late wife to the office she was the office manager for. She had scheduled our appointment and had greeted us when we arrived. We sat down for dinner and I asked her if we had met before and she told me about her place of employment.  Then I remembered who she was.  She realized who I was after she got to thinking about my bio before we met.

After a year of dating I asked her to marry me on our 1 year anniversary of meeting.  I could not wait to give her the ring so after breakfast I gave her a card that said "Will you marry me?" Then gave her the ring. She immediately said yes.  The wring is the traditional Sapphire stone of love which is also her birthstone.

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